Deliverables relating to the Anatomy Benchmarks
- D4.5: Result meta-analysis
- D5.4: Proceedings of the workshop for Competition 2
- D4.4: Result analysis for Competition 2
- D5.3: Proceedings of the workshop for Competition 1
- D4.3: Result analysis for Competition 1
- D1.1: Prototype of 3D annotation software interface
- D2.3.1: Data set for first competition
- D3.1: Prototype of gold corpus active annotation framework
- D4.1: Definition of the evaluation protocol and goals for Competition 1
- D2.1.1: Initial report on legal, ethical and privacy requirements for data distribution, focussing on Competition 1
- D2.2.1: Data format definition focusing on Competition 1
- D5.1: Plan and Call for Participation for Competition 1
Deliverables relating to the Retrieval and Detection Benchmarks
- D4.4: Result analysis for Competition 2
- D4.2: Definition of the evaluation protocol and goals for Competition 2
- D2.2.2: Data format definition focusing on Competition 2 and beyond
- D2.1.2: Legal and ethical framework for data distribution
- D5.2: Plan and Call for Participation for Competition 2
Other Deliverables
- D5.5: Tutorial material
- D1.4: Registration and management system software available as open source
- D6.6: Public project showcase
- D6.5: Report on dissemination, sustainability and exploitation
- D3.3: Prototype of silver corpus merging framework
- D6.3.3: Dissemination report and updated dissemination plan
- D6.3.1: Dissemination plan
- D6.1: Project Fact Sheet
- D6.2: VISCERAL web site