

All registered participants of the VISCERAL benchmark are invited to submit short papers for oral presentation during the MICCAI Workshop on Medical Computer Vision (MICCAI-MCV) which is held in conjunction with the MICCAI conference on 26 September 2013 in Nagoya (see www.medicalcomputervision.org for details).

The paper should detail on the approach used for processing the VISCERAL data and, if available, report on preliminary results. All submitted papers will be presented in a session dedicated to VISCERAL in order to foster discussion among VISCERAL participant, workshop attendees and VISCERAL organizers during the workshop.

Authors will be able to submit full length papers to be included in the MICCAI-MCV proceedings, that is published in Springer LNCS, after the conference.

Please send your short-paper (4-6 pages in standard LNCS format) to before September 15th. Please note that at least one co-author should be registered workshop participant (see www.miccai2013.org for details).